Thursday, November 06, 2008

Oprah Cries her Eyelashes Off; Tears Drop Down Jesse Jackson and Colin Powell's Faces

A Song for Change

Complete Euphoria all over the world!

I am in tears and so are my friends and the rest of the country

Cries of joy indeed!

The tough among us have been softened by a new set of realities

The World rejoices and cries over the first Black President of the United States

It is not a victory about one man, it is a victory for the people and the world

It is a victory brought by hope and change

A catharsis, a great symbolism that has washed away the sins of our founders

JFK's prophecies have come to pass: In 40 years or so, an African-American will be

President of the United States of America. Hard to Swallow but true

Anything is possible in the United States, indeed! Hope is reborn

The promise of this country remains intact: Through hard work, discipline and organization

One can achieve most of his/her dreams

What a collective moment for us, Americans, and the world!

More than the Superbowl, more than the Olympics, more than the Pope,

And more than any war or other calamity could have done, a victory by Obama

Created a transformative moment for us all

The world symphony takes center stage: A new maestro is about to enter

The Inhabitants of our planet are eager to witness the new direction we take

Sonnet for the Audacity of Hope

Sonnet for the Aftermath of Change

Symphony for the collaborative effort and renewal of spirits

The past appears to be buried with this landslide victory. The stings of racism, Jim Crow, Discrimination

And other social, political inequities must take back seat to the hope and promises,

And possibilities offered by this great country of ours

``A hundred years ago, he would have been a slave. A hundred years on, he is the president. That's massive,''

``A new broom sweeps clean. The new president may introduce concrete measures to fix the financial crisis. Once things improve in the U.S., the world improves and China improves.''

"Obama's victory marks ``a historic change which shows that the United States is an entirely exceptional power, completing a fundamental social revolution in the space of two, three generations.''

``A new face offers Europe a new chance to remarry America.''

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