Sunday, September 25, 2005

UCE: Talking about Unsollicited Ads or SPAM: The Problems with Online Advertisement

Talking about unsolicited electronic ads leads to consider the epidemic of e-mail spamming and pop-ups. Such ads are not only an invasion of privacy, but they are also aggravating. The flood of unsolicited ads clogs the networks of ISPs, sometimes to the point of paralysis, and may prevent legitimate messages from getting through. UCE or unsolicited e-mail involves using e-mail to send unwanted ads or correspondence.

The dirt, the bad things about spamming is that according to Cauce, Coalition Against Unsolicited E-mail, 80 percent of spammers are just trying to get people’s financial information: credit cards and bank information. The pornography industry is another major source of spamming. The spammers are motivated by the lack of postage stamps. Advantages for the spammers can be interpreted as low entry level in comparison to high payoffs. Despite their nuisance, there’s not much one can do limit their ads. Investing in expensive software can help bring some solutions for some time. Many spam messages get sent undeterred through unregulated Asian companies. Different methods are used to collect e-mail addresses. Spammers scour Web sites and chat rooms for addresses and they send e-mails to common names at mail servers, hoping to find a match. They also use computer programs that randomly generate thousands of addresses. These days, web surfers have to deal with pop-ups. Their use is exploding. Shoppers are mad as hell.

Personally, I think spamming legislation should consider putting up a stop to this type of Wild West. A similar do-not-call list has been proposed to stop unwanted phone calls from spammers and individuals. To enforce it, a group of tech savvy individuals will take it upon themselves to solve monitor and transactions.

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